Our Commitment to Diversity
We work to demonstrate respect for and understanding of cultural and individual diversity by verbally stating our commitment to diversity and also by specific actions.
Philosophical Commitment
- Our site works to demonstrate respect for and understanding of cultural and individual diversity by verbally stating our commitment to diversity as well as by specific actions. The Division of Student Affairs at the University of Illinois has developed a strategic plan that includes specific goals, stating “Student Affairs will be a recognized leader in providing programs and services that develop multicultural competencies, and its success in this area will contribute to the recruitment and retention of students” and “Student Affairs facilities and operations will be an integral part of the recruitment, retention, and success of students and will continue to address the changing needs of students and the campus.” The Counseling Center continues to embed these goals into its mission.
- The Counseling Center’s stated mission includes the expectation that we actively help “…build a multicultural learning community.”
- We understand inclusiveness to be an ongoing process reflected in concrete outcomes (e.g. staff/intern composition, programs, etc.)
- In support of the values and goals of our training program, we have adopted the American Psychological Association's guidelines and policies related to preparing trainees to effectively provide services with diverse populations.
Personnel Issues and Staff Activities
- We engage in a proactive focus to hire and retain professional staff with a range of backgrounds.
- Some individual staff members specialize in providing services to specific populations as well as consulting with and training our staff.
- Professional staff represent a variety of perspectives on dimensions of culture, sexual orientation, gender, religious affiliation, and social class history.
- Our Center hosts the annual Dennis H. May Conference on Diversity Issues and the Role of Counseling Centers.
- Each year, all clinical counselors are expected to explicitly identify a professional development goal related to diversity, thus modeling a proactive stance.
- We provide a Diversity Seminar for Interns during the fall and spring semesters.
Student Services and Accessibility
- A number of Counseling Center services are specifically designed to reach students across diverse backgrounds and within specific identity groups including: Program on Intergroup Relations, INNER VOICES Social Issues Theatre, programming outreach activities, and liaisons (including La Casa Cultural Latina, liaisons with African American, Asian American, Latinx, Native American, International, LGBTQ students)
- Our site is wheelchair accessible, includes elevator buttons in braille, and a TTY number (217-244-7565). In addition, we have alternate formats for our initial paperwork.
- To accommodate needs which are not met by existing in-house equipment, the Counseling Center maintains a liaison with the university’s Department of Rehabilitation Education Services (DRES)
- The university maintains a bus system operated by DRES which can transport students to locations within 50 feet of our site to access services.
- The Counseling Center also follows all ethical guidelines and legal statutes related to the Americans with Disabilities Act.